Sofie Verraest


Sofie Verraest (º1986) is a doctoral researcher at the Department of General and Comparative Literature Studies (Ghent University) since November 2009.


During the ACS Summer Institute 2011, Sofie Verraest will co-organize a seminar entitled: Urbanism and the Bakhtinian Chronotope - Towards a Cultural Narratology


Within the framework of the Ghent Urban Studies Team, she works on a project funded by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (FWO), entitled "Urban Design and Narrative Chronotopes in the Post-War Novel. A Comparative Analysis of Landscape Perceptions in Literary and Urban Discourses," under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bart Keunen (Department of General and Comparative Literature Studies) and Prof. Dr. Pieter Uyttenhove (Department of Architecture and Urbanism).