Mikko Lehtonen


During the ACS Summer Institute 2011, Mikko Lehtonen will organize a seminar entitled: Literary Citizens and Consumers


Mikko Lehtonen is Professor of Media Culture at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Tampere.


Prof. Lehtonen is director of the research project "The Power of Culture in Producing Common Sense (POWCULT)" funded by the Academy of Finland. Among his other present research interests are relations of "real" and "symbolic" as well as commodification of culture. Lehtonen has published in English a monograph titled "The Cultural Analysis of Texts" (Sage 2000). His books in Finnish cover theories of subjectivity, cultural construction of masculinities, the future of book as a media form, significations concerning 9/11 and the challenge of rethinking Finnishness. Lehtonen is Bursar of the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) and member of editorial boards of various international journals, including Cultural Studies and Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies. Lehtonen has won The Warelius Award for the life's work honored by The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers and has received The Researcher of the Year Award honored by The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers in 2002. Lehtonen appears regularly in Finnish national newspapers, radio and television.